
The Monken Hadley Church Flower Arrangers' Guild

Flower Arrangers or the Flower Guild, is an organisation of church members with an interest in flower arranging. Some are highly experienced, some hold qualifications in the art, others are willing volunteers seeking to learn the craft.

Between them, the members of the Flower Guild arrange for a simple backdrop of flowers in church week by week, and more extravagant displays to mark the key festivals of the Church year, particularly Christmas, Epiphany, and Easter.

In common with Church tradition, there are no flowers in the church during the penitential seasons of Advent and Lent (although some simple decoration made only from greenery is sometimes provided, particularly during Advent).

The team also provide arrangements in church for weddings, funerals, and other special services. A range of pedestals, boxes, swags, and pew ends is offered to families organising such services.

The President of the Flower Guild is our Rector.

The co-ordinator of the Flower Guild is Gill Clark.