Choir & Music
We're proud of the strong musical tradition in our parish church.
We have an enthusiastic, robed, RSCM affiliated SATB choir of both adults and children, practising Friday evenings.
At our main services we use a broad range of hymns and songs from Ancient & Modern (2013) and have Anglican Chant Psalms and choir anthems on most Sundays. Our choirmaster and organist is Jonathan Gregory.
The Church Choir
The church choir sings each week at the 10.30am service and some choristers join us regularly at the 6.30pm services. Practices take place every Friday night from 7.30pm to 9:00pm, also in church. Junior members of the choir take part in the Royal School Of Church Music's Voice For Life programme and meet from 7:00pm. (The photo above is from Christmas 2019, with our previous choirmaster Stephen Tatlow.)
Little Singers
As well as the choir we have a group of little singers from our local primary school. This group meets on Fridays after school and perform at some of our all-age services.
The Choir Reserve
On special occasions the choir is sometimes augmented by additional singers, who do not feel able to commit full-time to the choir, but nonetheless want to help out, particularly with the provision of a full choir for festivals, weddings, and other special occasions.
Special Performances
In December 2022 the choir, together with singers from the UK-Japan Music Society, performed Handel's Messiah to a packed church. On Palm Sunday 2024 we will be performing Bach's St John Passion.
Lockdown Recordings
During the COVID lockdown, choir members formed a virtual choir and remotely recorded hymns for our weekly Zoom service. Some examples are The Lord's My Shepherd (in an arrangement by one of our members) and the Tallis setting of the Nunc Dimittis.
The Organ
We have a pipe organ built by Forster and Andrews of Hull with two keyboards and twenty speaking stops, built around 1850 (though not for us - it was moved to our church in the early 1990s). It was restored in 1999. More information about the organ can be found on the National Pipe Organ Register .