Duties & Roles
Ways in which to support worship and the church
Sidesmen are responsible for welcoming people to church services, looking out for newcomers and visitors, handing out hymn books and service sheets and taking the collection. They are organised on a rota basis.
Altar Servers
Lay Communion assistants help with the distribution of the consecrated elements during Holy Communion and are especially licensed for this task by the Bishop. At Monken Hadley the Crucifer (carrying the processional cross) is always one of the choristers. The task of bringing the bread and wine to the altar is usually fulfilled by the sidesmen appointed for the day.
The co-ordinator of the Altar Servers is Janet Clarke.
Altar Guild
This small guild is a group of church members who prayerfully and reverently prepare the altar for use at celebrations of the Holy Eucharist. This involves laying out linen, cleaning silverware and holy vessels, preparing cruets and containers of water, wine, and bread, and ensuring that everything is in the correct place on the altar or the credence table. They receive training for their work.
The co-ordinator of the Altar Guild is Janet Clarke.
We invite members of our congregation to read the designated passages from the Bible at our main services. Readers are added to a rota of church duties and are likely to read once every month or two. We welcome new readers - please contact our church wardens.
Members of our congregation compose and read our prayers of intercessions at main Sunday services. Intercessions tend to include both standard aspects, such as prayers for the sick and departed, and more topic aspects, such as local and world events. Readers are added to a rota of church duties and are likely to read once every month or two. We welcome new prayer leaders - please contact our church wardens.
A small team of volunteers help with visits to the sick and those who cannot travel to church services in their homes.
Church Cleaners
The church cleaners (known in Canterbury Cathedral, and many other Anglican churches, as 'The Holy Dusters') play a vital role, working with the Churchwardens to ensure that the building is clean, tidy, and well-ordered. They clean during the week, but also keep a keen eye out on Sundays. Working is small teams, they are always keen to recruit new members.
The co-ordinator of the Church Cleaners is Rosemary Baldwin.