Social Events
Dates for your diary in 2025 – get involved!
Offering a wide range of community events that include:
Fayres, lunches, walks, music evenings, galas, beacon lighting and model railways.
Fayres, lunches, walks, music evenings, galas, beacon lighting and model railways.
Quiz Night – Saturday 18th January, 7pm for 7.30pm, Hadley Memorial Hall. £15. Tickets from Debbie at
Plant Sale, Sunday 4th May, after church
VE Day Commemorative Concert and Lighting of the Beacon, Thursday 8th May, 7.30pm
Archive Events
Christmas Fayre – Sunday 8th December, after the 10.30am morning service, back of church
Organ Recital with Jonathan Gregory, Saturday 21st September at 7pm in Church, £15 ticket (available from Katie Morris) includes welcome glass wine or juice.
Summer Fayre, Sunday 7th July – 12.30pm to 3.30pm, in front of, and in Church. FREE ENTRY. BBQ, Tea and Cakes, Plants, Good as New Clothes, Bric-a-Brac, Jewellery and accessories, Bottle Tombola, Home Produce, Candles, Jigsaws and Games, Table Tennis and Children’s Corner – something for all ages and a great opportunity to get together.
D-Day 80th Anniversary Beacon Lighting with Commemorative Concert – Thursday 6th June at 7.30pm, in Church. The concert is completely sold out, but you are welcome to join us for the Ceremonial Lighting of the Beacon at about 9.15pm from Hadley Green Road, where there will be a temporary road closure from the junction of Dury Road to Camlet Way.
Quiz – Saturday 20th January at 7pm – Hadley Highstone Memorial Hall. Tickets £15, includes cheese platter supper. Drinks for sale.
Coronation Big Lunch – Sunday 7th May at 12noon – Bring and Share Lunch – Church House and Gardens
Coronation Gala Concert – Sunday 7th May at 7.30pm in Church. The evening will begin at 7pm with a welcome drink (included in the ticket price), followed by a Gala Concert of musical favourites from stage and screen with professional musicians Angela Henckel (soprano), Charlie Morris (bass baritone) and Martyn Noble (pianist).
Coronation The Big Help Out Volunteering in your Community – Churchyard Tidyup and Church Spring Clean – Monday 8th May, 11am to 2pm
Open Church Music Sunday – The Romantic Violin – A recital by violinist James Marshall from the Yehudi Menuhin School, accompanied by Edward Leung on Piano – in church on Sunday 14th May, 3pm. With refreshments; donations to church music welcome
Model Railway Day – Saturday 20th May in Church House, 11am to 4pm
From the Cradle to the Krays – Talk by local resident James Morton on his life as a criminal lawyer and crime writer – 7.30pm Monday 22nd May (doors 7pm) in Church.
Summer Fete – 25th June at 12.30pm
Summer Evening Organ Recital by Jonathan Gregory – Saturday 8th July, doors open at 6.30pm for 7pm start – at Monken Hadley Church.